
Competence partner

Sustainable Energy disseminates knowledge at all stages of an innovation process, from idea development through prototyping and testing to market launch. We connect you with expertise from our own ranks, asset owners and other technology companies, as well as leading Norwegian research environments and business clusters.

Competence partner

Maritime CleanTech

Næringsklyngen NCE Maritime CleanTech representerer et av verdens mest komplette maritime kommersielle knutepunkter, og bruker norsk maritim kompetanse, bygget opp over generasjoner, som et springbrett for utvikling av nye energieffektive og miljøvennlige teknologier.

Næringsklyngen NCE Maritime CleanTech representerer et av verdens mest komplette maritime kommersielle knutepunkter, og bruker norsk maritim kompetanse, bygget opp over generasjoner, som et springbrett for utvikling av nye energieffektive og miljøvennlige teknologier.

Haugaland Kraft AS

Haugaland Kraft supplies electricity to a strong and attractive region through the production, transmission and sale of electricity and the expansion and operation of fiber optic networks.

Haugaland Kraft supplies electricity to a strong and attractive region through the production, transmission and sale of electricity as well as the expansion and operation of fibre optic networks.

Unitech Energy Group AS

Unitech har i mer enn 30 år hjulpet olje- og gassindustrien med å forbedre sikkerheten, påliteligheten og effektiviteten til subsea intervensjons- og distribusjonssystemer.

Selskapet har i dag bransjens mest omfattende portefølje av subsea koblingssystemer, inkludert styrekabler og forgreninger, og satser nå også stort innen fornybare energisystemer.

Western Norway’s Innovation Enterprise (VIS)

Researchers, entrepreneurs and established companies come to VIS with challenges and ideas that are jointly developed.

The company’s business developers and consultants provide advice, connections to different environments, skills sharing and project implementation.

NORCE Norwegian Research Centre

Norled AS is one of the largest ferry and speedboat companies in the country.

With environments in ten Norwegian cities, NORCE delivers research and innovation in energy, health, climate, environment, society and technology. The department’s solutions respond to key societal challenges and contribute to local, national and global value creation.

The Switch

The Switch focuses on electrifying the world with optimal efficiency through innovative electric drivetrain products and solutions.

Today, the company has supplied over 16 GW of megawatt environmental technology to leading energy pioneers worldwide.

Alltec Services AS

Alltec Smart Energy Services provides efficient, high quality services and project implementations in the renewable energy, ocean, aquaculture and various industrial sectors for the local, regional and global markets.


Wärtsilä is a global leader in innovative technologies and lifecycle solutions for the marine and energy markets. We emphasise innovation in sustainable technology and services to help our customers continuously improve their environmental and economic performance.


Hydrogen Solutions AS (HYDS) is a company that develops environmentally friendly solutions for various industries by providing green hydrogen, produced through electrolysis and electric power sourced mainly from renewable sources.

Western Norway University of Applied Sciences

Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) is one of the largest educational institutions in the country with approximately 17,000 students.

HVL has a strong and innovative professional environment in health and social sciences, engineering and maritime education, teachers, culture and sports, natural and social sciences, and business and management.


SINTEF Ocean driver forskning og innovasjon knyttet til havrommet for nasjonal og internasjonal industri.

Transport, mat- og energiproduksjon er ryggraden for havbaserte industrier og kjerneområder for SINTEF Ocean. I tillegg fokuserer de på miljøteknologi, og har et av verdens fremste miljøer innen marin miljøteknologi.


Westcon Power & Automation develops innovative products and systems in the field of electrics and automation for aquaculture, industry, offshore and the marine market.

One of the world’s leading providers of system integration and electric drive solutions. The company was founded in Norway in 1988.


Fagne har bygget, vedlikeholdt og fraktet kraft til regionen i over hundre år. Hver eneste dag, time og sekund har vi trosset barske forhold og koblet samfunnet, bedrifter og mennesker sammen ved å sørge for at strømmen alltid kommer fram. Det har gjort oss sterke. I framtiden skal fortsette å sørge for sikker strømforsyning. Vi skal heie på hverandre, på lokalsamfunnet og ønske den nye fornybare tiden velkommen. Vi skal tiltrekke oss talentene og sette innovasjon i sentrum. Strømmen stopper aldri. Ikke vi heller.

Future Energy Solutions AS

Future Energy Solutions er en teknologi- og tjenesteleverandør som tilbyr grønne løsninger til maritim industri og industri.

Selskapet hjelper kundene med å utvikle og implementere prosjekter som forbedrer effektiviteten i driften og reduserer utslippene.

Universitetet i Bergen (UiB)

UiB er Norges største marine universitet, og utfører verdensledende forskning på klimaendringene og fornybare energiformer.

UiB satser særlig på områdene globale samfunnsutfordringer, marin forskning, klima- og energiomstilling.

Energy Transition Norway

Energy Transition Norway is an energy transition cluster based in Stavanger, the energy capital of Norway. We bring world-leading expertise and technology environments together to increase the pace of innovation in the energy transition.

Knutsen OAS Shipping

With a fleet of around 50 vessels, Haugesund-based shipping company Knutsen Group is the world's second largest operator of shuttle tankers and a major operator of LNG carriers.


GCE NODE is an industry-driven cluster for ocean technologies. Based in Southern Norway, GCE NODE comprises of over 120 companies, most of which constitute a world-leading value chain of suppliers to the oil & gas, offshore, energy and maritime industries.

Norled AS

Norled AS is one of the largest ferry and speedboat companies in the country.

The company has over 80 vessels and operates ferry and speedboat services from the Oslo Fjord to Troms. Norled has invested heavily in new types of vessels and environmentally friendly technologies, developing solutions that make the company unique in the world.

The School Ship Gann

The School Ship Gann is a state-approved upper secondary school under independent sponsorship, consisting of the MS "Gann" and a school facility on land.

The school trains 135 students a year in VG1 Engineering and Industrial Production, VG1 Electrical Engineering and VG2 Maritime subjects. All students live on board the ship and participate in sailing at home and abroad.

Solstad Offshore ASA

Solstad Offshore is a global company with more than 50 years of experience in various shipping segments.

Solstad is today the leading supplier of specialised offshore tonnage to the energy industry.

Green Shipping Programme

Collaboration for the world’s most efficient and environmentally friendly shipping. The Green Shipping Program (GSP) focuses on sustainable logistics solutions, profitable emission reductions, green employment, increased competitiveness and exports, and taking an international leadership position. The goal is to cut emissions and establish green competitiveness in the maritime industry.

Axess AS

Axess jobber med de ledende aktørene i et bredt spekter av industrisektorer over hele verden – olje og energi, FPSO, offshore boring, SURF og fornybar industri. Med nærmere 280 ansatte globalt, hvorav cirka 130 er profesjonelle ingeniører, har Axess bygget langsiktige partnerskap og har jobbet med mer enn 500 partnere globalt.

Institute for Energy Technology (IFE)

Since 1948, IFE has been an international leader in energy research and has contributed to the development of state-of-the-art cancer medicine, new renewable energy solutions, more energy-efficient industrial processes, zero-emission transportation solutions, and future-oriented energy systems.

Matre Maskin AS

Matre is a recognized supplier of products, systems and services to the global offshore and marine industries, with a focus on firefighting solutions that protect people and property. The company is a major player in deck integrated firefighting systems (DIFFS), foam manifolds and specialized firefighting nozzles, among others.

CFD Marine AS

CFD Marine AS specializes in CFD analysis and simulation for the marine sector. Since 2008, the company has been an expert in virtual testing of lifeboat structures under extreme conditions, but the range of services also includes other floating and fixed marine structures such as ship structures, various types of buoys and platforms, offshore wind turbines, tidal power and aquaculture facilities.

Energy Innovation AS

Egersund Energy Hub is a center for companies and organizations working with renewable energy, environmental technology and related activities.

The centre will consist of companies that carry out operations, maintenance and commercial training and certification activities in wind power, and will host energy operator training in Dalane. The centre will also be facilitated in close collaboration with actors in research, development and innovation.

GCE Ocean Technology

Ocean technology cluster dedicated to promoting the green transition and sustained growth of the ocean industries. 130+ partners and members spans the entire offshore energy value chain, from traditional subsea oil and gas extraction to renewable energy, carbon capture and storage, and marine mineral exploration.

The Research Council of Norway

The Research Council’s aim is to promote a society where research is created, used and shared, and thus contributes to restructuring and enhanced sustainability.