25 percent of Norway´s total greenhouse gas emissions come from the oil and gas industry. We´re developing a new solution that can cut emissions from offshore installations by 25 percent!
Techouse AS´s brand-new compact OTSG will be tested and validated through Sustainable Energy Norwegian Catapult Centre at Stord and market-ready by 2026.
What is a compact OTSG, you say?
Powering and heating offshore installations require a lot of energy. Combined Cycle Power Plants (CCPP) generate the energy needed aboard the installations.
But today, the exhaust from the power plants goes to waste.
Techouse has teamed up with energy majors and SINTEF Energi AS to develop and test a compact once-through steam generator (OTSG) that will utilize the exhaust.
Reusing the heat from the exhaust to generate new energy will significantly increase the power output and decrease the fuel needed to power the power plants.
OTSGs exist today. The challenge is that they´re too heavy and too large to fit on installations where available deck space and weight capacity are critical.
Techouse´s ground-breaking solution will be up to 50 percent lighter and have a 15 percent reduction in footprint compared to conventional solutions. The novel approach to achieve low weight OTSGs is a result of SINTEF Energy’s evaluation of utilizing dimensioning tools for OTSG sizing in a radical way and the result is now to be demonstrated and tested.
Reducing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions by 25 percent is equivalent to cutting emissions between 50,000 and 150,000 tons annually per combined cycle power plant installation.
“We´re proud Techouse chose us to facilitate and coordinate their exciting test. Developing this solution can be a game-changer for reducing emissions on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. By partnering up on this test, we also ensure unique testing facilities will be available for others who wish to test different kinds of energy efficiency in the future”, says CEO of Sustainable Energy, Willie Wagen.
Together with Alltec, Sustainable Energy will build a brand-new test site for the compact OTSG at Eldøyane industry park at Stord.
The test will start in Q3 2025, and the compact OTSG will be available as a commercial product in 2026.